NUKEPROOF REACTOR “Frame Construction:To optimise the weight, strength and stiffness, the Reactor Carbon frame features a full UD woven carbon fibre frameset (Including chain and seat stays). It is available for 27.5” or 29” wheel sizes. These are two totally different, compromise free frames that were designed and developed at the same time. Each frame … Nukeproof – v sezono 2020 s popolnoma novim AM kolesom REACTOR

“Frame Construction:To optimise the weight, strength and stiffness, the Reactor Carbon frame features a full UD woven carbon fibre frameset (Including chain and seat stays). It is available for 27.5” or 29” wheel sizes. These are two totally different, compromise free frames that were designed and developed at the same time. Each frame is simply tailored around each wheel size.
Speed or play: which do you value more? The manoeuvrability of 27.5” or the raw speed of a 29”?
Adjustable Geometry:
All Reactor frames feature a “flip chip” to adjust the geometry from “Trail” to “Rail mode”.
Trail – As the name suggests, this setting is best suited for trail riding. It is for riders who get as much enjoyment from the climb as the descents.
Rail – The Rail setting turns the Reactor into a corner shredder, dropping the bottom bracket 6mm and slackening the head angle by half a degree. It is there to maximise the descending capabilities.
Suspension Design:
To ensure the bike could climb as well as it descends, we designed the 4 bar horst linkage to have higher levels of anti-squat for climbing gears but lower levels when you drop down the cassette. This means that the bike can behave itself on the climbs but when you get it up to speed, it turns into a trail hooligan. The combination of low anti-squat and progressive rate give ultimate small bump compliance (removes rough trail and root chatter) with good mid stroke support for cornering/pumping and end stroke progression for aggressive riding. Balanced anti-rise figures allow the Reactor some squat when braking hard, maintaining rider position and providing a good amount of pressure through the tyre to ensure traction. The Reactor is designed to reward the rider and ensure you get that stoke factor in on any ride. “
Predstavljamo novo kreacijo Britanske zname Nukeproof: REACTOR. Gorsko kolo namenjeno za trail/all-mountain stil vožnje, ki je ime dobilo po svojem daljnem predniku Nukeproof Reactor iz leta 1996. Edina lastnost, ki si jo sicer delita je le ime, saj je Reactor popolna mojstrovina, ki sledi vsem trendom in je bila v strogo zaupnem razvoju že od leta 2016. Nukeproof Reactor je kot vsa gorska kolesa Nukeproof na voljo v dveh verzijah – 27.5″ in 29″ obročniki. Enako ime, vendar popolnoma različna okvirja, ki sta bila premišljeno prilagojena velikosti obročnikov.
NASTAVLJIVA GEOMETRIJA – Ob primerjavi geometrije z enduro/all-mountain kolesi na trgu je Reactor po svojih karakteristikah izjemno agresivno kolo, ki zmore veliko več, kot klasična all-mountain/trail kolesa, brez kompromisa pa je tudi odličen plezalec.
Reactor kot njegov starejši brat Mega deluje s pomočjo Horst-Link vzmetenja, uporablja pa dodatno izjemno uporabno nastavitev “FLIP-CHIP”. To nam omogoča, da v nekaj minutah prilagodimo kot vilice (posledično tudi medosne razdalje), višino gonilne osi in efektivni kot sedežne opore.
– Trail: kot že samo ime pove, je ta nastavitev najprimernejša za all-moutain/trail stil vožnje in je popolna izbira za uporabnike, ki pri vzponih uživajo skoraj toliko kot pri spustih
– Rail: Rail nastavitev spreobrne Reactorja v ubijalca ovinkov, band in skokov, ki podre kot vilice za 0.5 stopinje in spusti višino gonilne osi kar za 6mm!
- okvir 29″: 130mm hoda
- okvir 27.5″: 140mm hoda
- material okvirja in nihajke: UD karbon
- vilica 29″: 140mm hoda oz. 150mm hoda pri modelu RS
- vilica 27.5″: 150mm hoda oz. 160mm pri modelu RS
- notranja napeljava bovdnov
- BSA gonilni ležaj z navojem
- Enduro ležaji za daljšo življensko dobo tudi v najslabših pogojih
- prilagojene nastavitve zadnjega amortizerja specifično za Nukeproof okvirje
- prostor za bidon
- dve različni nastavitvi zadnjega vzmetenja s pomočjo “flip-chipa”: Trail in Rail
- velikosti 29″: M, L in XL (za pomoč pri izbiri velikosti za vašo višino nas kontaktirajte)
- velikosti 27.5″: S, M, L in XL (za pomoč pri izbiri velikosti za vašo višino nas kontaktirajte)
- preveri celotno ponudbo koles Nukeproof 2020.