Krmilna opora RENTHAL Apex D35
109.95€ 129.95€
Cena 30 dni pred znižanjem: 109.95€
(22% DDV)Najnižja cena v 30 dneh: 109.95€

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Krmilna opora RENTHAL Apex D35
“The Renthal Apex combines All Mountain strength, Enduro stiffness and XC lightweight. Unique 240deg handlebar clamps allow much of the stem body material to be removed, whilst retaining the strength and stiffness demanded by modern, wide handlebars. The Apex is fully CNC machined, featuring an oversize centre bore, extensive 3-D machining and external webbing to maximise structural strength and stiffness and minimise weight.”
- Dolžina: 33mm, 40mm, 50mm
- Naklon: 6° +/-
- Vpetje krmila: 35mm
- Standard: 1 1/8
- Teža: 117g
- Preveri še ostalo ponudbo Renthal
- Preberi več o izdelku na uradni strani proizvajalca
Znamka | Renthal |
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